The BATF Curios or Relics Firearms List has this Colt SAA w/ the Serial Number 71487SA, being made in 1975 falling within the range of eligible C&R firearms as shown in Section II, page 22 - Colt, Single Action Army (2nd Generation) revolvers, having S/Ns from 0001SA to 82000SA, all calibers, made between 1956 and 1976
Appears unfired w/ little to no handling use & most importantly NO significant turn rings on cylinder, perfect bore, no buggered screws, beautiful blue tone & famous Colt case hardening. Has the important cylinder bushing & fit & finish of 1st Gen colts before Colt shut down, re-tooled & quality suffered for several years. Last of the SAA that utilized original parts & cylinder bushing. 4 distinct clicks w/ tight, zero-play lock-up & no slack in hammer or play in cylinder. Soft case incl. Sorry, SOLD!